Precipitation :: PG16


The air hums and with a blinding bright flash a bolt of lightning tears down from the sky, striking directly into the courtyard they just came from. A flood of smoke, steam, and ozone washes over them and Tempest’s eyes go wide. And then so does her grin, and she lets out a crazed laugh, ”Holy shit! That worked! Thanks babe!” she blows a kiss to the sky above, then begins to scramble up onto the rooftops, “This way darling!” she calls out to a dazed Callisto.

“Did she just summon lightning...” she mutters to herself in shock, and then her eyes widen and she whips her head around to look at the cambion, “Did—did you just call a goddess BABE?!”

“Why, of course!” Tempest calls back to her with a wink, “C’mon!”

Callisto looks down at her little dragon. Then she stares up at the woman disappearing onto the roof.

When she reaches the top herself, she finds the woman using her hands to form a flute, whistling out a short three note tune into the air.


Panel 1: Tempest stares slackjawed lit by a warm glow from the courtyard. “Holy shit. That worked.”

Panel 2: She grins as the light weakens, “HA!”

Panel 3: Callisto stares at the dousing flames, “Did she just summon lightning?” she mutters, the text inside her speech bubble wobbly. “Thanks babe!” Tempest calls off screen.

Panel 4: Callisto’s eyes widen and look sideways.

Panel 5: “This way darling~” Tempest calls, as she begins to climb the wall behind them. “Did—did you just call a goddess “babe”?!” Callisto whips around in shock.

Panel 6: Tempest turns to look at her, hanging from the wall, “Why, of course!” she winks at her.

Panel 7: She resumes climbing upwards, “C’mon!”

Panel 8: Callisto stares down at her little dragon with a worried grimace.

Panel 9: Then she turns around and stares up at the cambion climbing above.

Panel 10: Callisto scrambles onto the roof, and Tempest’s feet can be seen already standing at its apex.

Panel 11: Tempest has formed a flute out of her hands, and is whistling a short tune.

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are you having fun yet callie

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Comments (3)


This is insanely good! Everything about the story, the characters, the designs. Dont get me started on the art style, its so beautiful and expressive in the characters' faces and the way they move, and in the setting and mood of the scenes. I adore tempest's character, her attitude is everything, she's so innately entertaining to read and it makes you instantly want to root for her. Poor Callisto she looks so confused as to how she possibly got into this situation, she seems such an interesting character, I cant wait to find out more about her! Also the way you draw their magic is so beautiful, I adore it. im just gushing at this point but as an artist I thought it couldnt possibly be bad for me to say what I think about this amazing work!! It inspires me so much to get better at art and drawing my own characters, and I just admire it a ton <3




Thank you!! 🥺🥺🥺