If you're used to reading comics on a platform like ComicFury, you might not know how to keep up to date with independent comic sites. The answer is with RSS! That's the icon in the menu bar. If you don't know what RSS is, read on, otherwise you can just click here.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and what you do is you put the links to feeds for your favourite websites into the feed reader and then every time they update you'll get a notification. Which is to say, instead of needing to bookmark 20 comics and periodically open each one to check if they've updated yet, you can just open up your feed reader and it'll check all of them for you and tell you if they have!
As for what to use, personally I used to use Feedbro which is a browser extension for firefox/chrome that's super simple to use and puts a little notification dot on its extension icon when theres a new feed item, which was perfect for me! The only reason I don't use it any more is I have a computer and a laptop, and it doesn't have the option to sync between devices.
So I switched to Feedly with this firefox extension to have something that syncs between devices. If you'd prefer a dedicated app though, I suggest Fluent Reader!
Once you have a feed reader, you can just click the icon you see on websites to add it to your feed reader, or right click to copy the url if your reader doesn't detect it automatically.
For comics specifically, ComicFury actually provides an RSS feed of all your subscribed comics if you click the little link at the very top of your subscriptions list! Webtoons and Tapas also have RSS support, although the latter makes it a little harder to access so you can use this extension to add an RSS button to the page for your convenience.