Precipitation :: PG07


They pass through the damp, dingy corridors and up, up out the dungeons to the staircase leading to the courtyard beyond. The guard gives them no room to breathe, all but stepping on their heels behind them—and yet, despite this proximity, he fails to notice their ruse.

As they reach the staircase, the bright slither of sky through the archway and beyond the walls is almost tantalising. The sweet glow of freedom. But, of course, a great shadow casts its way down the staircase, for in the centre stands another man dressed in red and steel. They ascend the stairs.


Panel 1: Extreme close up with the camera on the ground, of shoes walking past a grate in the wall. Two pairs of red eyes, like that of the rats on previous pages, can be seen peering out of the darkness.

Panel 2: On the far left we see the back of the guard from before, lit by some sort of unseen warm sconce light. Beyond him, a slither of coldly lit staircase, cast in grey by the morning light, and cut off by the wall that makes up much of the panel. The wall would be awash with warm light were it not for the shadows of Tempest, Callisto, and the guard cast across it.

Panel 3: We look up the staircase, an open arched doorway at its peak, bright grey light beyond it—blocked by another guard filling the doorway and casting a long shadow down the staircase.

Panel 4: Now we look down the staircase, to our characters making their way up and out of the darkness.

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walking a little close together there... youre gonna catch the heel of a boot and have to go "oh im sorry as you stumble" awkwardly... how will you ever recover from that blunder!!

it's also my birthday in 2 days!! happy bappy to me :)

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From ComicFury

Somehow this just reminds me of that 'First Time?' Pirate Gallows meme.
Ooooh ominous…
Happy birthday!!
Guest (Guest)
Hey, big guy, you’re blocking the way.
fun ideas for girls night: joint execution!!! (not)
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