Precipitation :: PG18


Callisto stares at the outstretched hand. Then grimaces, and finally shrugs. ”...Well,” she says, “I mean if I’m going to die anyway,” and reaches out to take Tempest’s hand with a smile, ”‘Murdered by a handsome pirate’ does sound more exciting than a hanging.”

Tempest grins at her widely, “Oh don’t worry, I’m not in the habit of murdering beautiful women.” Her flirting is punctuated by another loud rooster cry, followed by several screams and shouts.

“I-I’m not convinced about your bird,” Callisto responds with a weak smile of her own, allowing herself to be pulled along by the other woman.


Panel 1: Callisto stares at the hand with a slight frown.

Panel 2: Then scrunches her face up into a grimace.

Panel 3: Then final, she shrugs and says, ”...Well. I mean if I’m going to die anyway.”

Panel 4: Callisto’s hand reaches out to take Tempest’s.

Panel 5: Callisto smiles down at Tempest, their height difference rather apparent in this shot, and says ”‘Murdered by a handsome pirate’ does sound more exciting than a hanging.”

Panel 6: Tempest grins widely at her, “Oh don’t worry, I’m not in the habit of murdering beautiful women”.

Connecting the two panels is the cry of a rooster.

Panel 7: Behind Callisto are several faded speech bubbles, one a long scream, and the others reading “Lume have mercy!” and “Play dead, play dead!!”

“I-I’m not so convinced about your bird,” Callisto replies with a bemused but hesitant smile.

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It's fine callie you can trust her. she only said she kills people all the time

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